President Sean Resley
Vice-President Mike Amstutz
Secretary Carol Opalka
Treasurer Jennifer Neuman
Members-at-Large Bev Moyer, Leslie Foxworth
Audit Committee: Wendy Kaufman, Della Brown
Trust Fund: Pat Tomazic, Laura Nabors, and Gordon Hahn
Synod Representatives: Cindy and Howard Carruthers (Mike Amstutz, alternate)
Please keep these members in prayer as they work to fulfill their commitment to Zion and each of our members.
Our worship services are held in the church Sanctuary. Please join us on Sunday mornings at 9:00 am.
Our Worship Services are lived streamed at 9:00 am via YouTube.
All baptized believers are welcome at God’s table.
Please see our current bulletin for the worship service, and timely announcements.
HURON HELPING HANDS FOOD PANTRY is always looking for items to fill their shelves and the food is provided to those in need in our community. Much appreciated items include canned fruit, boxed cereal, canned ravioli, canned pasta, canned beef stew, Rice-a-Roni, baking mix, pancake mix, body wash, and shampoo.
SONSHINE PROJECT is Zion’s caring outreach ministry which served those who lived in the Rye Beach Complex. Call Shelia Preston 419-602-3298 for updates on the ever-changing needs of this community. Blessings be upon you all.
THE HURON COMMUNITY PRAYER PATH AND LABYRINTH is open year-round from dawn to dusk. It is a special space for prayer, meditation, and reflection in God’s nature and beauty. Check it out!
If you have questions, contact Tom or Shelia Preston 419-433-8504. May you be blessed as we serve together.
Please see the link to the Prayer Path on this website under our RESOURCES tab.
The Prayer Path has published a book, Holy Ground, that describes how the Prayer Path and Labyrinth got started, how it came together, the blessings people have received, and lives changed. The books are a fundraiser to help collect money for a replacement tractor. The books would make a wonderful Christmas present and are available for $15.00 in the narthex or see Shelia Preston. Please spread the word!
MEALS ON WHEELS regularly provides of daily meals to our Huron neighbors. They are looking for local drivers, and there is open availability if you can spare a few hours a week. The volunteers usually work from 10:45 am -12:30 pm Mon – Fri, and you can volunteer as often or as little as you are able! Please contact Bob Proy, our Huron Meals on Wheels coordinator, at 419-202-2224, to volunteer. Thank you for your help!
CHRIST'S COMMUNITY MEAL continues their FREE DINNER at the First Presbyterian Church, 225 Williams St., Huron beginning at 5:00 pm. DINNER MEALS are available on the second and fourth Wednesday of each month. These programs are supported by Christ Episcopal Church, First Presbyterian Church, Huron United Methodist Church, St. Peter Catholic Church, and Zion Lutheran Church.
For your convenience, we offer many different giving options that allow you to contribute to Zion when and how you prefer. Offering envelopes can be placed in the offering basket at the 9:00 am worship service or mailed to Zion Lutheran Church. Send one check for multiple weeks, in one envelope, and it will be recorded on your statement. Your continued support is vital and very much appreciated.
Online offerings are an option by going to the “Donate/Tithe” tab. We also have a mobile app for that! Go to your app store, search Giveplus. Choose Vanco Payment Solutions below GivePlus. You may also consider contacting your bank to see if they offer FREE “bill pay” services. And lastly, we can set up automatic withdrawals (EFT) directly from your bank account. Please contact the office for more information.
You can also make your contribution from our Facebook page or go to our Donate/Tithe tab above, and follow the prompts.